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Maine Inmate Search

Maine Inmate records are government-issued documents that reveal details about offenders sentenced to time in the state’s detention facilities. These records may serve as evidence that the persons named on the records were awaiting trial or were convicted of one or more crimes.

An inmate record is created at the facility where the offender is booked to serve a sentence. If an offender is moved from one detention facility to another, both institutions create and maintain separate inmate records. A Maine inmate record typically contains the following information:

  • The inmate’s full name
  • All known aliases
  • Maine Department of Corrections ID number
  • Photograph
  • Date of birth
  • Age
  • Weight
  • Height
  • Eye and hair color
  • Race or ethnicity
  • Gender
  • Scars, Marks or Tattoos
  • Current location
  • Earliest release date
  • Conviction information such as the offense(s) incarcerated for, each offense class, the court that handled the case, docket number and each sentence date

Under the Maine Freedom of Access Act, inmate records are considered public information. This means that anyone may access information on all persons incarcerated in the state’s detention facilities, including county and city jails. However, members of the public may not access juvenile inmate records. Also, inmate records that may contain sensitive information may be exempt from the public.

How To Find An Inmate In Maine?

The Maine Department of Corrections (MDOC) maintains inmate records and makes them available to all requestors. The MDOC website provides a search function where interested persons may search for all prisoners and probationers in the state. To find an inmate using this platform, inquirers are advised to provide the person’s MDOC number, first name, middle name, last name, gender, and age range. The search also allows searchers to filter results using physical descriptors. Some of these include a weight range, height range, eye color, hair color, race, scars, marks, and tattoos. Information about the inmate’s current status, location, and type of offense may also be used.

The search function also allows interested persons to find inmates in all Maine correctional facilities, including county and city jails. Regardless, some inmate records may also be available from sheriff’s offices’ websites in the state. For example, the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office provides a confined inmate list where interested persons may find details on Cumberland County Jail inmates. The Penobscot County Sheriff also provides a current inmate list available to the general public.

How To Find A Federal Inmate In Maine?

Maine has no federal facility for inmates. Regardless, records of federal offenders transferred to other facilities are available through the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP). Through the BOP’s inmate locator, interested persons may search the database by number or by name.

To find an inmate by number, provide at least one of the following numbers:

  • BOP register number
  • District of Columbia Department of Corrections (DCDC) number
  • Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) number
  • Immigration and Naturalization Services (INS) number

Alternatively, requestors may find a federal inmate by name, using the first, middle, or last name. The name search also allows requestors to find inmates by race, sex, and age. Using either method, the search result displays the inmate’s information, including the full name, age, race, sex, and BOP register. Information on the inmate’s current location and possible release date are also available.

Requesters should note that details accessible on the BOP’s inmate locator are subject to change. Under the First Step Act, inmate sentences are constantly reviewed, which may result in reduced prison terms. Interested persons are advised to check the BOP’s inmate locator for possible changes periodically.

The BOP’s database largely contains records for inmates incarcerated from 1982 to date. Federal inmate records for persons detained before 1982 are available from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). NARA inmate records are available for the following federal institutions:

  • Atlanta Federal Penitentiary (1902—1921)
  • Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary, California (1934 - 1963)
  • United States Penitentiary, Leavenworth, Kansas (1895—1931)
  • Fort Smith, Arkansas (1866—1900)
  • McNeil Island

To request any of these records, interested persons may reach out to NARA via its contact page or send a written request for the desired records. The following details of the inmate should be included on the request:

  • Full name and initials
  • All known aliases
  • Ethnicity or race
  • Estimated age during the sentence
  • Date of the sentence

Send the request to:

The National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD 20740–6001
Phone: (866) 272–6272

How Do I Find Inmate Records In Maine?

Requestors may obtain physical copies of past and current inmate records from the Maine Department of Corrections. To obtain an inmate record, send a written request to the MDOC, using the following details:

Maine Department of Corrections
Central Office
25 Tyson Drive
3rd Floor
State House Station 111
August, ME 04333–0111
Phone: (207) 287–2711
Fax: (207) 287–4370

Ensure that the written request contains as much information on the inmate as may be known. This may include the inmate’s full name, known aliases, date of birth, sentence date, current location, charge details, release dates, and other helpful details. Alternatively, interested persons may directly contact any of the following adult facilities:

Mountain View Correctional Facility
1202 Dover Road
Charleston, ME 04422
Phone: (207) 285–0800

Bolduc Correctional Facility
516 Cushing Road
Warren, ME 04864
Phone: (207) 273–2036

Maine Correctional Center
17 Mallison Falls Road
Windham, ME 04062
Phone: (207) 893–7000

Southern Maine Women’s Reentry Center
230 River Road
Windham, ME 04062
Phone: (207) 893–7178

Maine State Prison
807 Cushing Road
Warren, ME 04864
Phone: (207) 273–5300

Downeast Correctional Facility
64 Base Road Machiasport
ME 04655
Phone: (207) 255–1100

Requestors may directly contact the institution to request inmate records for persons incarcerated in county or city jails. Alternatively, interested persons may also reach out to the sheriff’s office or police department that operates the county or city jail. Note that the record custodian may charge a fee for copying these records.

Records that are considered public may be accessible from some third-party websites. Operating independently of any federal, state or local agency, such websites may simplify the search process as they are not limited by geographic location. In addition, third-party sites typically have search engines that can be used for filtering specific or multiple record(s). To use third-party or government websites, interested parties may need to provide:

  • The name of the person involved in the record, unless said person is a juvenile
  • The location or assumed location of the record or person involved. This includes information such as the city, county, or state that the person resides in or was accused in

However, third-party sites are independent of government sources and are not sponsored by these government agencies. Because of this, record availability cannot be guaranteed.

How To Put Money On Jail Inmates Book In Maine?

Inmates are barred from holding any cash while in custody. However, the Maine Department of Corrections allows the inmate’s family and friends to deposit funds into a trust account. Funds may be deposited online or by mail.

The MDOC allows online payments through its Money Deposit Service. Using this method requires the inmate’s MDOC number and date of birth. Note that online payments are accepted via valid credit or debit cards from MasterCard or Visa. Deposits done via prepaid cards are generally not accepted.

Depositors may send funds to an inmate’s trust account or phone account. Each depositor may transfer a daily maximum of $100 to each of these accounts. However, depositors may not send more than $200 to each account in a week. Note that funds deposited into an inmate’s phone account may only be used for phone calls placed through the MDOC’s debit calling system. These funds may not be transferred to the inmate’s trust account. However, funds sent to an inmate’s trust account may be transferred to the inmate’s phone account. Transfers are restricted to inmates. Also, allow up to three business days for deposits to reflect in the inmate’s account.

Depositors may also send funds to an inmate’s account by mail. Accepted forms of payment include the following:

  • United States Postal money order
  • Cashier’s check or an official check from a Maine bank
  • Money order from a Maine bank
  • Government check, including a tribal check

Depositors are advised to ensure that checks and money orders carry the inmate’s full name and middle official. Depositors are also advised to state the inmate’s MDOC number if available. The documents should also carry the full name and address of the sender. Checks and money orders without the required details are less likely to be processed.

For inmates in county or city jails, depositors may directly contact the jails for information on sending funds to an inmate’s account. Note that these processes may vary between institutions.

  • Criminal Records
  • Arrests Records
  • Warrants
  • Driving Violations
  • Inmate Records
  • Felonies
  • Misdemeanors
  • Bankruptcies
  • Tax & Property Liens
  • Civil Judgements
  • Federal Dockets
  • Probate Records
  • Marriage Records
  • Divorce Records
  • Death Records
  • Property Records
  • Asset Records
  • Business Ownership
  • Professional Licenses
  • And More!